Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Teaching English at an Art College

Yikes! According to my blog stats, it has been 8 months since my last post. Sorry, readers! I've been busy doing life. Lately, I've spent all my time and energy teaching Composition and Critical Thought to a bunch of freshmen at an art college. The fall semester was great, and my biggest challenge was convincing my students that I'm old enough to be their teacher. Now that the spring semester is here, I've done my best to avoid the proving-I'm-really-old dilemma by wearing less makeup, sprouting a whole bunch of new gray hairs, getting myself a truly heinous soccer mom haircut, and buying a bunch of Very Serious Blazers/new collection of business lady shoes. So far, my tactics are working; I've managed to convince my students that I'm old and uncool.  Success!

However, there have been bigger issues this semester, not the least of which is my constant battle to persuade my students that, yes, even though they are artists, they should know how to read and write really well.

This is sort of how things have gone so far.

So I had a mini break down and said some words that were probably only a little bit snotty, but felt a lot like this:

They were probably a little bit scared, but everything they said after my breakdown sounded like this:

*Please note: Any resemblance to real-life students is coincidental, unintentional, and frankly, concerning. If someone you know looks exactly like a whacked out Pez dispenser, please rush him or her to the nearest hospital.*