Monday, May 23, 2011

Song for Arma Geddon

I'm proud to announce that the End of the World Camping trip was a great success!  We got in touch with nature, wore amazing costumes, acted like idiots, and invented taco dogs (hot dogs wrapped in a tortilla).  However, I have to say the whole thing was a little anticlimactic.  There was no doom, death, or destruction.  No murder or mayhem.  No hellfire or brimstone.  We didn't even get a meteor shower, which is okay, I guess, since I couldn't figure out how to use the telescope I brought.  Turns out math is hard.  :(

Anyway, that night, as I passed out in my car among the dogs and trash bags full of clothes that I forgot to take to Goodwill, I made myself a promise:  "Self, if I survive this night, I'm going to pursue my true passion and become a very serious rap artist."

Here's the first song I wrote.  It's called "Song for Arma Geddon":

Oooh, yeah
Yeahhh yeahh, girl
Ooh girl, yeah

Girl you know you fine
When I see you in da club
I wanna make you mine, yeah
Already got a half chub
Feels like the world is endin'
Pickin' up the vibes you sendin'
Your booty like a meteor
I'm gettin slightly meatier - Uhn!
We only got a night, girl
Make it worth our while, girl
If we survive this, lover
Please be my baby's mother
Shit's goin' down, so let's go down
On each - Oh! Yeaaahhhhh, girl, 
Let's play the tick-tock game
Time's runnin' out 
Shhhh... What's your name?

Arma Geddon, Arma Geddon
Such a strange name for a fair dame
Arma Geddon, Arma Geddon
This girl's apocalyptic,
I'm gonna get wit it
At the last minute

Girl you know we facing doom
We just can't live forever
So let's go to your room
And explode like stars together
Feels like the world is endin'
Pickin' up the vibes you sendin'
Please God oh help me capture
This Big Bang chick I'm after
I'll show her the rapture
Yeah, I'm gonna holler at her

Arma Geddon, Arma Geddon
Such a strange name for a fair dame
Arma Geddon, Arma Geddon
This girl's apocalyptic,
I'm gonna get with it
At the last minute


[Explosion Sounds]

On an even seriouser note, please enjoy these real life pics from the camping trip.


  1. Amazing!!! "already got a half chub" best line!!! You are going places!!! I just sent you a text saying I should rap on the beach...I'm thinking this was the sign I was looking for. LOL

  2. Hello girl - its Lindsay. I finally made my way over to your blog and its hilarious. I especially appreciate the pics in what appear to be goat-herding attire from Ojai. I wish I could have been there! I even had a straw hat and a caftan in my car! Hope you make it happen again soon.
